Rising Stars in Research

Student Research Competition

The ACM Student Research Competition (SRC) offers a unique forum for undergraduate and graduate students to present their original research at well-known ACM sponsored and co-sponsored conferences before a panel of judges and attendees.


Undergraduate Division

Kuchibashi: 3D-printed Tweezers Bioinspired by the New Caledonian Crow’s Beak

Graduate Division

First Place
GravityPack: Exploring a Wearable Gravity Display for Immersive Interaction Using Liquid-based System

Second Place
Local Scale Adaptation for Augmenting Hand Shape Models

Third Place
On the Influence of Dynamic Illumination in the Perception of Translucency

Submit To Student Research Competition


Tue, 26 April 2022
22:00 +00:00 GMT

To enter the ACM Student Research Competition, please Submit a Poster by 26 April and check “yes” in the “Would you like to submit to the ACM Student Research Competition” box on the submission form. To be eligible for the ACM Student Research Competition:


  • The submitted work must be largely the work of the submitter.
  • The submitter must be enrolled in a university of college at the time of content entry.
  • The submitter must have an active ACM student membership.

Posters selected to compete in the SRC are judged in two stages. In the first stage, a panel of distinguished judges views the SRC posters and selects the semi-finalists – one group of undergraduate submissions, and one group of graduate submissions. These finalists present their work during the ACM Student Research Competition Final Presentation. At the end of the presentations, the judges announce the first-, second, and third-place winners in the undergraduate and graduate categories. First-place undergraduate and graduate winners go on to the Student Research Competition Grand Finals.

The first-place winner also receives a $500 cash prize, the second-place winner $300, and the third-place winner $200.

Note: Submissions for the Student Research Competition are currently closed.