Experience SIGGRAPH
Health & Safety
Your health and safety is a priority for SIGGRAPH 2022. SIGGRAPH 2022 is following provincial COVID-19 guidelines. Health and safety protocol is subject to change based on provincial and national requirements. Though not required, we strongly recommend all conference participants to wear masks. Check back here for the latest information regarding COVID-19.

Travel Requirements to Enter Canada
The following information is current as of 1 April 2022. To enter Canada, you must:
- Be fully vaccinated (at least two doses of a two-dose or one dose of a one-dose vaccination) against COVID-19
- Note vaccination status in the ArriveCAN app 72 hours before boarding.
Note: If you arrive without completing this information in the app, you may have to test and quarantine for 14 days, regardless of vaccination status.
Participants from British Columbia are asked to use their provincial proof of vaccination, which comes in the form of a QR code. Participants from the rest of Canada are asked to provide their federal proof of vaccination.
As you plan your travel, please check your individual airlines to confirm any additional COVID-19 protocol for travel. Please refer to the Government of Canada website and the Province of British Columbia website for additional information.
Before departing SIGGRAPH 2022, please be aware of your airline’s and country’s requirements for traveling home.
Special Note on Mandatory Random Testing
As of Tuesday, 19 July, Canada has resumed mandatory random testing for travelers who qualify as fully vaccinated and arrive by air to the four major Canadian airports: Vancouver, Calgary, Montreal, and Toronto.
If selected for mandatory random testing, here is what you can expect:
- All travelers must continue to use the ArriveCAN app to provide mandatory travel information within 72 hours before their arrival in Canada. This is the fastest, easiest, and most secure way for travelers to show they meet public heath requirements.
- All testing for air travelers will be completed outside of airports, either via an in-person appointment at select testing provider locations and pharmacies or a virtual appointment for a self-swab test.
- Air travelers who qualify as fully vaccinated and who are selected for mandatory random testing will receive an email notification within 15 minutes of completing their customs declaration. The email will contain information to help them arrange for their test with a testing provider in their region.
- Travelers selected for mandatory random testing should complete their test by the end of the next calendar day.
- If your arrival test result is positive, you must go into isolation and follow the federal requirement to isolate for 10 days from the date of the test result. Your 10-day isolation is required, even if the isolation requirement is shorter in your province or territory.
For additional information, call 613-957-2991 or visit the Government of Canada website.

On-Site Health and Safety Initiatives
SIGGRAPH 2022’s health and safety protocol follows provincial and national requirements. Please refer to the Province of British Columbia website for the latest province-wide COVID-19 information. Health and safety protocol is subject to change based on provincial and national requirements.
Though not required, we strongly recommend all conference participants to wear masks.
As a reminder, participants and volunteers at SIGGRAPH 2022 agree to self-monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and contact ACM at conferencestaff@acm.org if you are diagnosed with COVID-19 during the conference or within 10 days after participating or volunteering at the event.
COVID-19 Testing Locations
If you need a COVID-19 test while in Vancouver, visit one of the following clinics nearby the Vancouver Convention Centre:
Empower Clinic
Location: Fairmont Waterfront Hotel
Address: 900 Canada Pl, Vancouver, BC V6C 3L5
Website: https://www.empowerclinics.com/covid-19-testing/
Phone: 1-855-855-9058
*For all details related to booking appointments, result turn-around, pricing, what to bring, etc., can be found on the Empower Clinic website provided above.
Fast Test
Location: Pan Pacific Vancouver Hotel
Address: 999 Canada Pl #300, Vancouver, BC V6C 3B5
Website: https://fast-test.ca/
Phone: 1-833-472-7669
*For all details related to booking appointments, result turn-around, pricing, what to bring, etc., can be found on the Fast Test website provided above.
COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test Kits
In Vancouver, COVID-19 rapid antigen test kits are available in Rexall Pharmacies and London Drug Stores. Participants can request the test kits at any location, which are available on a first-come, first-serve basis (a limited supply is available per day). There are multiple locations within close proximity to the Vancouver Convention Centre.