Your Future Starts Here
Student Volunteers
Motivated and enthusiastic students help others, work with exceptional and supportive team members, and contribute to the advancement of the computer graphics industry.

Submit to the Student Volunteer Program
Further your blossoming career and help make SIGGRAPH 2022 happen with the Student Volunteer program.
The SIGGRAPH 2022 Student Volunteer program provides integral operational support to the conference and offers you the unique opportunity to be in front and behind the scenes of the first hybrid SIGGRAPH conference ever.
As a Student Volunteer, you are part of a diverse and inclusive group of motivated fellow students and young professionals who, just like you, are inspired to be the leaders of tomorrow. While supporting the conference, you will gain unique insight to the latest in technology and innovation; meet and learn from professionals, creators, educators, visionaries, and fellow student volunteers; and receive an enriching career-building, often life-changing, experience.
This very special experience is available to students 18 years of age or older (on or before 15 May 2022) who are high school, undergraduate, or graduate students enrolled full time for at least one semester during the 2021–2022 academic year.
Note: Submissions for Student Volunteers are currently closed.
How to Submit
SIGGRAPH 2022 will gather in person in Vancouver and virtually. We look forward to celebrating 49 years of advancements in computer graphics and interactive techniques.
All SIGGRAPH Student Volunteers must earn their position through our application process. The Student Volunteer program application can be found at
To be considered, applicants are required to complete the entire Student Volunteer application, which asks for enrollment information, contact information, and various essay responses. Applicants are encouraged to start collecting their application materials ahead of time, as well as to put generous time, effort, and consideration into their applications.
Out of fairness to all applicants, late or incomplete applications will not be considered. There are no exceptions to this rule.
The Team Leader application closes on 21 January 2022 at 22:00 UTC/GMT.
The Student Volunteer application closes on 4 March 2022 at 22:00 UTC/GMT.
After the 21 January 2022 Team Leader application deadline, all Student Volunteer Team Leader applicants are considered by the Student Volunteer Subcommittee (SVSC). Team Leader selection notifications will be sent in early/mid February 2022.
After the 4 March 2022 Student Volunteer application deadline, all Student Volunteer applicants are evaluated through a blind jurying process that lasts from March to May. Student Volunteer applications are judged on quality, clarity, proper completion, and thoughtfulness. We’re looking for candidates who can clearly communicate, support, and demonstrate leadership skills, passion for service, enthusiasm, and bring a unique value to collaborate with a diverse and inclusive team.
All Student Volunteer applicants with completed applications will be notified of decisions by mid May 2022.
- Team Leader applications are due 21 January 2022 at 22:00 UTC/GMT.
- Student Volunteer applications are due 4 March 2022 at 22:00 UTC/GMT.
- Team Leader selections will be announced in early/mid February 2022.
- Student Volunteer acceptance notifications will be sent by mid May 2022.
- Accepted Student Volunteers will be required to confirm their position latest by 30 May 2022.
- Student Volunteer onboarding sessions will take place both virtually and in person between May-August 2022.
For the first time ever hybrid SIGGRAPH, Student Volunteers and Team Leaders are expected to serve the conference either in virtual shifts (pre-conference/virtual component) or in-person shifts (on-site conference in Vancouver, Canada). To facilitate logistics, a student volunteer or team leader will not be assigned to both types of shifts.
Student Volunteers commit to volunteering approximately ~20 hours to provide operational support for SIGGRAPH 2022 in pre-conference shifts, Virtual or In-Person conference. In exchange for their service and enthusiasm, Student Volunteers receive the highest level of registration for the conference format they apply and are accepted (virtual or in-person), networking opportunities, and a number of exclusive Student Volunteer-only benefits.
Team Leaders are expected to volunteer approximately 60 hours to provide operational and logistical support for SIGGRAPH 2022 pre-conference shifts, Virtual or In-Person conference. In exchange for their service and enthusiasm, Team Leaders receive the highest level of registration for the conference format they apply and are accepted (virtual or in-person), networking opportunities, and a number of exclusive Student Volunteer-only benefits.
For virtual volunteers
- Virtual shifts will be carried out remotely and must respect deadlines established by the conference program or team leaders.
- You are expected to use a desktop computer or laptop with access to excellent internet connection
- Virtual volunteers will not receive registration to the in-person conference, nor are expected to travel to Vancouver to work as a Student Volunteer.
For in-person volunteers
- You are expected to participate in SIGGRAPH 2022 all day from 8-11 August 2022 in Vancouver, Canada.
- DO NOT plan to depart the Vancouver Convention Center earlier than 6:00 pm (GMT-8) on 11 August 2022.
- No housing or accommodations will be provided to team leaders or to student volunteers.
- Student volunteers and team leaders can opt for travel assistance on their application form. The final amount will be communicate upon acceptance.
- Canada requires all visitors to be fully vaccinated. Please visit the Government of Canada’s website for information about COVID-19 travel and testing.
More details on what involves being a “virtual Student Volunteer” or an “in-person Student Volunteer” will be provided upon acceptance. We encourage you to visit our FAQs sections to stay abreast of the latest updates regarding the Student Volunteer Program. If you have questions about traveling to and within Canada, please visit the Government of Canada’s website for information about COVID-19 travel and testing.
If you have any questions regarding the program and processes, please email
Application Process FAQ's
Am I eligible to apply to be a Student Volunteer at SIGGRAPH 2022?
You are eligible to apply if you meet the following criteria:
- You will be 18 years of age or older (on or before 15 May 2022).
- You are a high school, undergraduate, or graduate student enrolled full time for at least one semester during the 2021–2022 academic year.
Am I eligible to apply to be a Team Leader at SIGGRAPH 2022?
You are eligible to apply if you meet the following criteria:
- You will be 18 years of age or older (on or before 15 May 2022).
- You are a high school, undergraduate, or graduate student enrolled full time for at least one semester during the 2021-2022 academic year.
- You have at least one year of prior experience as a SIGGRAPH Student Volunteer.
How do I apply to be a Student Volunteer?
The online application is available at
How do I apply to be a Team Leader?
The online application is available at
The application for becoming a Team Leader is the same application form you submit to be a Student Volunteer, plus a few additional essay questions. Applicants will be notified of their acceptance for Team Leader positions via email in early/mid February 2022.
Applicants who are not accepted as Team Leaders will still be considered for Student Volunteer positions and will be notified of the final decision by mid May 2022.
Is there any information about this I can share with my students, classmates, and professors?
Yes! Feel free to share our 2022 Student Volunteer Program Call for Participation with your colleagues, which provides a general overview of SIGGRAPH and what we look for in Student Volunteers. Also, you can find plenty of information on the official SIGGRAPH 2022 website.
Is there any information about the Student Volunteer Program in social media that I can share or follow?
Yes! Make sure to follow us in the different social media platforms and don’t forget the tag #ProudToBeSV
Instagram: @siggraphsv
Facebook: @SIGGRAPHStudentVolunteers
Twitter: @siggraphsv
When is the deadline to submit an application to be a Student Volunteer?
The deadline for all completed Student Volunteer applications is 4 March 2022, 22:00 UTC/GMT. (Convert to your time zone.) Please note that you will be required to upload proof of full-time student status (e.g., transcript, proof of enrollment, etc.). Students who applied to the 2021 Student Volunteer program are eligible to apply with the same email used in this year’s submission form.
We recommend you allow ample time to gather this information from your institution before the due date. Without this documentation, your application will be marked as incomplete. Please comply with the submission deadlines and ensure that you submit your application by the appropriate day and time.
When is the deadline to submit an application to be a Team Leader?
The deadline for all completed Team Leader applications is 21 January 2022, 22:00 UTC/GMT. (Convert to your time zone.) Please note that you will be required to upload proof of full-time student status (e.g., transcript, proof of enrollment, etc.). Students who applied to the 2021 Student Volunteer program are eligible to apply with the same email used in this year’s submission form.
We recommend you allow ample time to gather this information from your institution before the due date. Without this documentation, your application will be marked as incomplete. Please comply with the submission deadlines and ensure that you submit your application by the appropriate day and time.
Are late, partial, or incomplete submissions considered?
No. Out of fairness to all applicants, late or incomplete applications will not be considered. There are no exceptions to this rule.
What are “Professional References” and what are they expected to do?
Professional references are professors, instructors, or someone you are currently working with, or worked with in the past, who can give us an idea of your character and would recommend you to be a Student Volunteer. Once you have submitted your application form, we send out a survey for them to fill out!
On your side, make sure that:
- You provide your professional references’ valid email address.
- They are informed that they are your professional reference.
- They adjust their spam filter so messages with the ‘’ domain will not be placed in their junk-mail folder.
My “Professional References” from last year’s application are the same this year. Do I still need to fill in this information?
Yes, you need to fill in the information and provide the email of your professional reference, even if you provided last year. Due to data privacy we do not store your application information and therefore, if you leave it blank, your submission will be incomplete.
My school does not issue transcripts. What should I use for proof of student status instead?
Documents required for the application include a current transcript (official or unofficial) or an enrollment verification letter from your institution’s registrar. This is to confirm that you were enrolled full time for at least one semester during the 20212022 academic year.
For students in non-English speaking countries unable to provide the document in English, please upload the original as a PDF and an (official or unofficial) copy in English. If you have any questions about this, please contact the Student Volunteer Subcommittee at
When and how will I be notified if I have been accepted as a Student Volunteer?
All applicants who submit a completed application will be notified via email mid May 2022.
When and how will I be notified if I have been accepted as a Team Leader?
Applicants will be notified of their acceptance for Team Leader positions via email early/mid February 2022.
My email address will be changing soon. How can I notify you of the update?
You can change your contact information, including your email address, through the online submission system at any time. Students who applied to the 2021 Student Volunteer program are eligible to apply with the same email used in this year’s submission form.
Who will jury my Student Volunteer application?
Student Volunteer applications are juried by the Student Volunteer Subcommittee (SVSC) and Team Leaders. They are evaluated individually through a blind jurying process, meaning a Student Volunteer applicant’s identity will not be revealed until after all Student Volunteer applications have been juried and appropriately scored. This ensures an unbiased evaluation across all applications.
Who will jury my Team Leader application?
Team Leader applications are juried by the Student Volunteer Subcommittee (SVSC). They are evaluated individually through a blind jurying process. Team Leader selections will be sent in early/mid February 2022. If you are not selected for a Team Leader position, your application will return to the Student Volunteer application pool and will be juried in the next phase.
What criteria will my application be evaluated on?
Student Volunteer applications are as diverse as the thousands of applicants from around the world who make up our team. Apart from overall completion, eligibility, and proof of enrollment, we evaluate applications based on quality, clarity and passion for SIGGRAPH. We are looking for volunteers who are dedicated to service, take initiative, and can bring enthusiasm, passion, and value to a team.
For Team Leaders in particular, we are looking to identify individuals who can clearly communicate their leadership skills, are interested in growth, show commitment toward diversity and inclusion efforts, have a history of great performance as a Student Volunteer, and can be trusted with a greater level of responsibility and decision-making authority.
The Student Volunteer Program is committed to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives, thus we take into account gender identities, cultural background, disabilities and other DEI aspects that can make our team as diverse and inclusive as possible.
What should I mention in my Student Volunteer application?
If you have experiences in leadership roles, volunteerism, and other service-focused endeavors, we’d love to hear about them. Applications that communicate clear examples of past experiences that make you an exceptional student volunteer are extremely helpful to our jurying team. We’re looking to build a very skilled and diverse team from the best of the best, and that effort begins with your ability to communicate your qualifications.
Note: For the virtual aspect of the conference, we are seeking students who are familiar with editing software and with the ability to troubleshoot digital applications in pre-conference preparations.
Please read each application essay question thoroughly and allow yourself plenty of time to craft a thoughtful answer. Check out our blog article on “How to master your essay submission”!
What should I mention in my Team Leader application?
Team Leaders are Student Volunteers who take on a supervisor role and act as liaisons across the different areas of the conference. If you have experience in leadership roles, customer service, volunteerism, and other service-focused endeavors, we’d love to hear about them. Applications should communicate clear examples of past experiences that make you an exceptional Team Leader.
Need some inspiration? Check out our blog article “5 Reasons why you should be a Team Leader!”
Can I revise or add information to my application after the submission deadline?
No. All submitted applications are evaluated as your final submission. Edits are not permitted after the submission deadline.
Can I withdraw my Student Volunteer and/or Team Leader application?
Yes, you can withdraw your Student Volunteer and/or Team Leader application at any time. Please send an email to
Student Volunteer Expectations FAQ
I was offered a position to be a Student Volunteer in 2022. What does this mean?
Congratulations! As a Student Volunteer, you will be volunteering approximately 20-25 hours of your time to provide online OR in-person operational support for SIGGRAPH 2022. In exchange for your service and enthusiasm, Student Volunteers receive the highest level of registration for the area of the conference they apply and are accepted (virtual or in-person), networking with industry professionals and international student peers, and a number of exclusive Student Volunteer-only benefits.
I was offered a position to be a Team Leader in 2022. What does this mean?
Congratulations! As a Team Leader, you will be volunteering approximately 60 hours of your time to provide online OR in-person operational and logistical support for SIGGRAPH 2022. In addition, you are expected to participate in training and other sessions leading up and through the duration of the conference. In exchange for your service and enthusiasm, Team Leaders receive the highest level of registration for the area of the conference they apply and are accepted (virtual or in-person), networking opportunities, and a number of exclusive Student Volunteer-only benefits. As a Team Leader, you will be committing time to several virtual training sessions in the months preceding the conference, as well as an all-day training session one day prior to the conference.
What will my duties as a Student Volunteer include?
As a Student Volunteer, you commit to volunteering approximately 20-25 hours of your time virtually (pre-conference shifts) or on-site/in-person in Vancouver (during SIGGRAPH 2022). To facilitate logistics, a student volunteer will not be assigned to both types of shifts. Your shifts will be diverse and can change depending on the needs of the conference, but we always provide you with a notice before this happens.
What will my duties as a Team Leader include?
As a Team Leader, your duties will revolve around making sure the program you are assigned to is properly staffed and has operational support at all times. Your duties will include checking in and dismissing Student Volunteers from their shifts, assigning Student Volunteers their duties, resolving attendee problems, and acting as a liaison between the Student Volunteers and the venue or program you have been tasked to manage. It is worth noting that shifts and work with the Student Volunteers might not be limited to the time during the conference, but in the previous months (May–July) where operational support will be needed.
In this capacity, Team Leaders are entrusted with a supervisory role over Student Volunteers. This means you’ll need to resolve conflicts, answer questions, and make sure that Student Volunteers are comfortable and well supported in their roles.
What are the expectations of a Student Volunteer?
Gratitude is an integral part of the Student Volunteer Program’s philosophy. We are thankful to be part of SIGGRAPH and be given this opportunity to serve others while celebrating our own passions. Attendees, fellow volunteers, Conference Program Chairs and contractors are the reason SIGGRAPH happens every year – and they are the reason our job exists! We use this fact as fuel to treat every challenge and problem as an opportunity to express our gratitude. Accepted SVs joining the Student Volunteer Program are expected to align themselves with this perspective.
Above all, SVs are expected to serve the conference with professionalism, enthusiasm, friendliness, and helpfulness. This includes:
- Treating fellow Student Volunteers, attendees, participants, conference volunteers, and contractors with the highest standards of respect and kindness
- Completing all assigned shifts or pre-conference tasks with the utmost quality
- Being punctual and checking in for your shifts with your team leader (i.e. 30 minutes prior to your in-person scheduled shift)
- Arriving for your shifts prepared and following Team Leader instructions
- Performing your duties to the very best of your abilities
Failure to meet the aforementioned expectations may result in the loss of Student Volunteer status and all related benefits.
What are the expectations of a Team Leader?
Above all, Team Leaders are expected to serve their fellow Student Volunteers and the conference with professionalism, enthusiasm, friendliness, and helpfulness. As future leaders of the conference, Team Leaders are expected to take initiative within the Student Volunteers. This means looking out for one another and paying extra attention to the morale and condition of Student Volunteers. Team Leaders are required to participate in extensive training prior to the virtual conference as well as the Student Volunteers program. Team Leaders are expected to take the extra time to ensure all of our team members are well supported.
What are some examples of Student Volunteer assignments for the virtual and in-person aspects of the conference?
Please note that at this point, we are still evaluating the assignments that Students Volunteers will have in a hybrid conference. Some examples of Student Volunteer assignments from the past are:
- Video editing for specific conference programs
- Review video content
- Closed captioning of videos
- Curating discussions with attendees
- Create animations and motion graphics content (virtual)
- Monitoring doors, taking tickets, checking badges of attendees at the different venues
- Facilitating spoken-language translations
- Assisting conference contributors at various venues
- Providing general assistance for attendees in all areas of the Convention Centre
- Support of Conference Management tasks on-site
- Helping contributors demo technologies or providing support in VR setups
No matter what, it’s always an adventure.
When will Student Volunteer work schedules be available?
For the virtual Student Volunteers pre-conference shifts can be scheduled from months to weeks before the conference. Pre-conference tasks will be announced with a deadline and a timeframe to be completed. We plan to inform virtual student volunteers of their schedules shortly after acceptance has been confirmed on the student side.
For the on-site Student Volunteers we plan to have schedules available to view about two weeks prior to the conference. We will release schedules as early as we can.
Note: On-site schedules are not final until 24 hours prior to a shift. We try to change schedules as little as possible, but sometimes situations arise that make adding, moving, and/or otherwise rescheduling certain shifts necessary. Students are responsible for checking their schedules daily to receive any schedule updates.
What happens if I have a scheduling conflict with work, school, an opportunity to interview at the conference, etc.?
If you are a Virtual Student Volunteers working remotely, you can organize your time according to your own needs, as long as tasks are completed within the indicated deadline. Failing to complete your task(s) may result in the loss of Student Volunteer status and all related benefits.
If you are an On-Site Student Volunteer you will be assigned ~20 hours and your availability during that time must be open. Therefore, we cannot schedule around work, school, extracurricular activities, or job interviews. If you do find yourself with an extenuating circumstance, such as an interview for a job or internship, an appointment with a mentor, etc., inform us about it ahead of time and we will do our best to work with you on your schedule conflict. Most shifts will be between 7:30 am and 6:00 pm (PDT).
How early or late will I be expected to work?
If you are a Virtual Student Volunteers or Team Leader with duties assigned pre-conference, your time constraints will be more relaxed, as they might allow you to work on your own time (e.g., content revision, video editing, etc.). In this scenario you are the one deciding how to organize your time and how to carry out your pre-conference task(s) in order to complete them before the established deadlines.
If you are an On-Site Student Volunteer it depends on the shifts you have been assigned. Depending on the duties assigned, students may have shifts that start as early as 7:30 am (PDT). Student Volunteers need to report to their assigned Team Leader at least 30 minutes prior to their shift’s start time to be marked present. Students will then be given their assignments by their Team Leader. Most of the events will finish around 6:00 pm (PDT). However, there are some shifts that might run later.
If you are an On-Site Team Leader you are expected your work to last a full day — typically beginning at 7:00 am and ending around 7:00 pm PDT. Team Leaders responsible for certain venues should expect later hours as well. The physicality of the Team Leader role is very real and can lead to exhaustion if not taken seriously. This is why we take extra care to ensure that Team Leaders have breaks and opportunities to rest throughout the work day.
I am a virtual Student Volunteer doing pre-conference shifts, do I need to have specific technologies/software to work my shift?
Student Volunteers are expected to use a desktop computer or laptop with access to excellent Wi-Fi and internet connection for communication platforms with voice and video functions and the ability to navigate and operate the virtual conference platform.
Note: Mobile phones and tablets are not recommended to perform your assigned shift but will be useful for communicating with your Team Leader and the SVSC. Students should be dedicating their full attention to their assigned shift until dismissed from their Team Leader.
I am an on-site Student Volunteer. When will I be expected to arrive in Vancouver?
All accepted Student Volunteers MUST plan to arrive in Vancouver no later than noon on Saturday, 6 August 2022, for check-in and in-person Student Volunteer Orientation.
This is MANDATORY for all new and returning Student Volunteers. Failure to arrive on time may result in loss of Student Volunteer status and all related benefits.
I am an on-site Student Volunteer. When should I plan to leave Vancouver?
All accepted Student Volunteers should plan to be available for work through 6:00 pm (PDT) on Thursday, 11 August 2022.
I am an on-site Student Volunteer. Will I receive housing or other financial assistance?
For SIGGRAPH 2022 NO HOUSING will be provided to Student Volunteers. Each student volunteer is responsible for finding their own accommodation.
Travel assistance might be provided to a number of student volunteers who applied for it. The amount of the assistance and the number of students receiving it will depend on available funds. The information will be communicated upon acceptance.
I am an on-site Student Volunteer. Am I responsible for my visa if I am traveling internationally? What are the passport and visa requirements?
Yes. You are responsible for your visa and all the required documents to travel to Canada. Please contact the Canadian Embassy in your home country, or visit the Government of Canada’s website for information.
I am an on-site Student Volunteer. Can you provide information regarding COVID-19 regulations?
Visit the Government of Canada’s website for information about COVID-19 travel and testing.
How do I apply for other volunteer opportunities at the SIGGRAPH conference?
Please see the Volunteering Opportunities section of the SIGGRAPH 2022 website.
I have been accepted as a Student Volunteer / Team Leader but am no longer able to attend the conference. Who should I notify?
If you need to decline your position for any reason, please email as soon as possible so that we can make preparations for your absence.
I was not offered a position to be a Student Volunteer in 2022. What are my options?
There are still many avenues to volunteer with SIGGRAPH. SIGGRAPH Asia 2022, in Daegu, South Korea, will be accepting applications through early fall 2022. You can fill out the Conference Volunteer Form to see if other areas of the conference, such as the International Relations Committee, ACM SIGGRAPH Student Services (S3), Diversity and Inclusion Committee, or ACM SIGGRAPH Chapters, need assistance. Students also are offered a considerable discount on registration.
I was not offered a position to be a Team Leader in 2022. What are my options?
Your application will still be considered among the pool of Student Volunteer applications. If you wish to withdraw your application from this pool, please email as soon as possible.
There also are many other avenues to volunteer with SIGGRAPH. SIGGRAPH Asia 2022, in Daegu, South Korea, will be accepting applications through early fall 2022. You can fill out the Conference Volunteer Form to see if areas of the conference, such as the International Relations Committee or SIGGRAPH Student Services (S3), need assistance. Students also can volunteer year-round for ACM SIGGRAPH in areas such as Student Chapters, or within the Diversity and Inclusion Committee. Further, students are offered a considerable discount on registration.
My question is not in these FAQs. Who should I ask?
If your question is not answered on this website, please send a message to the Student Volunteer Subcommittee at