Behind the Pipeline
Production Sessions
Industry leaders showcase inspirational and engaging stories about the triumphs and challenges of the production process behind their best work in VFX, animation, games, and more.

The Production Sessions program is seeking stories that demonstrate the state of the art in the computer graphics industry. From visual effects to animation and beyond, these sessions should present a macro view of a project, which educates and excites a wide range of SIGGRAPH participants.
Production Sessions are consistently one of the most engaging and inspirational ways for studios of all sizes to showcase their best work. These sessions give our contributors a chance to highlight their unique pathways to success by shining a light on the challenges and shortcomings faced along the production process.
Note: Submissions for Production Sessions are currently closed.
How To Submit
SIGGRAPH 2022 will gather in person in Vancouver and virtually. We look forward to celebrating 49 years of advancements in computer graphics and interactive techniques, and are excited you are submitting your work for consideration.
Production Sessions can cover a broad range of topics. We aim to design sessions that provide high-level, behind-the-scenes discussion describing the methods of production for a project.
Consider some of these topics: a retrospective discussion, challenges in techniques and pipeline, client and cross-studio interaction, or a significant milestone/project for the company. Please note, for SIGGRAPH 2022, the Production Sessions jury is interested in submissions that celebrate success but more importantly discuss what you’ve learned from the challenges and trials faced along the way. We believe the community can only benefit from candid discussions, ones that address the lessons learned from shortcomings which culminate in successful solutions. These kinds of discussions show the true character of a production and provide an honest look at the state of the industry.
Submission Details
Log into the submission portal, select the “Make a New Submission” tab, and select the Production Session form. To see the information you need to submit, view the sample submission form.
You must provide:
Production Session Description
A good description serves as an overview of your submission, provides background information, and highlights what your proposed speakers may share. When preparing your session description, consider including information relating to the what, why, and how of your project.
We understand that some session details are sensitive, based on the late-breaking content you hope to share at SIGGRAPH 2022. If this is the case, please make a special note and contact the Production Sessions Chair.
Panelist Information
Please submit the appropriate professional information about your proposed speakers for each submission. We suggest no fewer than two and no more than six panelists, with five speakers being the optimal panel size. Panelists should represent the diverse, inclusive, and global perspectives of the SIGGRAPH community.
Representative Image
Please include an image that illustrates the nature of your project. It is recommended that the ratio of these be 3:2 in landscape and at least 1,500 x 1,000 pixel resolution. If accepted, this image will be used for various public-facing promotional materials.
Supplementary Materials
Optional. You may choose to include a short demo reel, or other pertinent materials that may augment your submission.
ACM Rights Management Form
Permission upon submission: The permissions (also known as the ACM Rights Management form) required to show your sensitive content at SIGGRAPH is always a challenge. For SIGGRAPH 2022, we have implemented a system of permission upon submission to streamline this process. In other words, your submission to the SIGGRAPH submission portal will not be considered complete until you or your team have returned the permissions form to ACM, SIGGRAPH’s parent organization.
In addition to granting permission for your content to be shown at the SIGGRAPH conference, the form gives you, as the submitter, the option to grant or deny ACM permission to do the following:
- Record your Production Session presentation.
- Livestream your Production Session presentation during the conference.
- Distribute the recording of your Production Session presentation after the conference.
If you have questions about any of these options, please contact Stephen Spencer, ACM SIGGRAPH Publications Committee Chair
The form also asks for permission to use your submission’s representative image(s), video, and text for conference promotions. If accepted to the Production Sessions program, the SIGGRAPH marketing team will pull the images and text directly from stage two of your submission form.
A diverse panel of carefully selected, high-level professionals review content submitted to Production Sessions. Jurors are asked to evaluate your submission using five criteria: quality of VFX/computer graphics, quality of production, interest, novelty, and diversity.
SIGGRAPH staff and jurors treat your submission with absolute discretion.
Quality of VFX/Computer Graphics
How exceptional are the ideas, aesthetics, etc., presented in this submission? This is how we rate the visual quality of the project.
Quality of Production
How well do the computer graphics integrate with the project? Do they add to or detract from the viewing experience? What is the overall quality of the production?
What is the likelihood of interest for conference attendees? Will they want to see this? Will it inspire them? This is partly a measure of how broad the potential audience is.
How fresh is this work? Is it a new, groundbreaking technique, a new approach to an old problem, or is it an existing method with a slightly new twist?
Is there increased diversity, equity, or inclusion in terms of content and panelists?
Upon Acceptance
Results of your submission will be announced early May 2022.
After acceptance, “stage two” in the SIGGRAPH submission portal will allow you to update information about your session and upload any final materials for inclusion in the conference program and website.
If your Production Session is accepted for the virtual conference, you must:
- Update your submission information, including the final panelist names, affiliation, and emails (unique emails per panelist are required).
- Prepare a one-hour, pre-recorded video of your accepted session. A separate closed captioning VTT or SRT file will be required (details and specifications will be available upon acceptance).
- You are not required to present in person during the virtual conference.
If your Production Session is accepted for the in-person conference, you must:
- Update your submission information, including the final panelist names, affiliation, and emails (unique emails per panelist are required).
- Attend and present your work on-site at SIGGRAPH 2022 in Vancouver.
Presenter Recognition
To present at SIGGRAPH 2022, each panelist must register at the appropriate registration level for Production Sessions.
You can find a link to the contributor recognition policy here.
22 February 2022, 22:00 UTC/GMT
Submission deadline
Early May 2022
Acceptance or rejection notices are sent to all submitters.
13 May 2022
Deadline to make any changes to materials (i.e., approved title changes, final panelists names, descriptions) for publication on the website.
17 June 2022
Deadline for pre-recorded video of accepted Production Sessions presented virtually. A separate closed captioning VTT or SRT file will be required.
8–11 August 2022