Art + Tech Relocations
Art Papers
The SIGGRAPH Art Papers program brings together a multidisciplinary community of artists, researchers, and scholars working at the nexus of technology and the arts. The program emphasizes imagination, speculation, and critique as means to discover new paths for artistic and technological exploration beyond industrial applications.
To explore SIGGRAPH 2022 content in detail, please review Art Papers content in the Special Issue of PACMCGIT.

Best Art Paper
Best Art Paper – “Traditional African Dances Preservation Using Deep Learning Techniques“
Adebunmi Odefunso, Purdue University/Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Esteban Garcia Bravo, Purdue University
Yingjie Chen, Purdue University
Submit To Art Papers
Art + Tech Relocations
The 2022 Art Papers program will interrogate the place of technology in the arts, and the place of the arts in a technological society. Submissions exploring how computer graphics and interactive techniques—especially those linked to recent developments in AI, machine learning, robotics, and AR/VR—relate to questions of race, indigeneity, gender, and the environment are particularly encouraged. Submissions by members of underrepresented groups are particularly welcome.
Prospective authors may consider one of the following categories as they prepare their work for submission.
- Projects and case studies
Papers in this category rigorously document a realized project while adequately positioning it within the state of the art, and critically reflecting on both the process and its results. - Methodological contributions
Papers in this category identify, document, and/or explore emergent methodological approaches that open new pathways to the practice and scholarship of computational art and design. - History, theory, and criticism
Papers in this category offer new historical, theoretical, and critical perspectives on computational art and design and on the technical artifacts, infrastructures, and communities that support them. - Critical technical practices
Papers in this group defy disciplinary and methodological categorizations to explore computer graphics and interactive techniques as arenas for both critical and creative engagement with questions about affect, culture, society, and the environment.
Accepted papers will be part of the PACMCGIT Special issue on SIGGRAPH 2022 Art Papers. In addition, Art Papers video presentations will be published in the ACM Digital Library.
Note: Submissions for Art Papers are currently closed.
How to Submit
SIGGRAPH 2022 will gather in person in Vancouver and virtually. We look forward to celebrating 49 years of advancements in computer graphics and interactive techniques, and are excited that you are considering submitting your work to the Art Papers program.
Log into the submission portal, select “Make a New Submission” tab, and select “Art Paper — Long” or “Art Paper — Short.” To see the information you need to submit, view the sample form:
Art Paper — Long: Click Here
Art Paper —Short: Click Here
Non-native English speakers may opt to use the English Review Service to help improve the text of submissions. Please note this process takes time. For the best chance of having your submission reviewed by the English Review Service, please ensure that you complete your submission at least 14 days before the deadline.
Submission Guidelines
Please read the ACM Submission Guidelines carefully, and prepare your submission following the Microsoft Word Template or LateX Template.
Long and Short Papers
Authors may submit a long or a short paper to this program. Accepted papers in both categories will be included in the PACMCGIT Special issue on SIGGRAPH 2022 Art Papers, and the video presentations will be archived in the ACM Digital Library. The differences between the two submission formats is below:
Long Papers
Word Count Maximum: 3,500
Figure Count Maximum: 10 images
In-Person Presentation: 5 minutes
Pre-Recorded Video (with closed captions): 15 minutes
30-second Pre-Recorded Art Papers Fast Forward Video
Short Papers
Word Count Maximum: 2,500
Figure Count Maximum: 5 images
In-Person Presentation: 5 minutes
Pre-Recorded Video (with closed captions): 10 minutes
30-second Pre-Recorded Art Papers Fast Forward Video
For more information about uploading files for your submission, please see the “Deadlines” section of the Art Papers Submissions FAQ.
Authors are required to submit fully formatted papers with graphs, images, and other special elements arranged as intended for final publication. Before submitting, authors must ensure that:
- All pages are numbered and contain the paper’s ID number in the page footer. Authors will receive their paper’s ID number after completing the online submission form, before finalizing their paper.
- The paper is fully anonymized i.e. it does not contain any information that would identify the authors, including their names and those of their institutions, laboratories, and research groups, as well as any bibliographic reference. See detailed anonymity guidelines below.
Once a paper is fully accepted, authors will receive specific formatting instructions for the final, de-anonymized version.
All figures and tables should be submitted in the Supplementary Materials section.
Authors can provide up to three optional supplementary materials to accompany the paper. Multimedia content may include videos, code, and audio files, as well as additional images and/or other supplemental text files (up to 100 MB each). Each file must be accompanied with a title, 50-word description, and caption (including any credits and copyright information). Accepted video file formats include: .mov, .avi, or .mp4.
All complete submissions received by the deadline will be acknowledged by email. For this purpose, a submission is complete if a paper ID has been assigned and an anonymized file of the paper, 50-word description, and representative image have been successfully uploaded. Complete submissions will be reviewed unless they are withdrawn by the author. For additional information about the Art Papers submission and review process, please refer to the Art Papers Submissions FAQ below.
Anonymity Guidelines
The Art Papers program requires that all submitted papers are fully anonymized.
Please remove author and institution information from the author list on the title page, remove author information from all paper headers, and remove from the text any clues that would directly identify any of the authors. Please anonymize your submission file. Please note that PDF creator programs may automatically include author information in the file metadata.
Citations of your own published work (including online) must be in the third person, in a manner that is not traceable to the identity of the authors. For example, the wording “in [3], Mountain and River have proposed…” is acceptable, whereas “in [3], we have proposed…” is not. (Where reference [3] is listed explicitly as “Mountain, A. and River, A., Detecting Mountains and Rivers, In Proc. XYZ ’16, 721-741.”)
Please refrain from mentioning the name of your institution in the study approval statement. For example, do not say “Our study was approved by the IRB board at the University of Excellence” as that reveals your university’s name.
You must not include an “acknowledgements” section in the submission. If your Art Paper is accepted, you will submit a revised version that identifies you and your co-authors, your affiliations, and any appropriate acknowledgements.
The Art Papers Jury will evaluate papers using the following criteria:
- The paper makes a significant contribution to the literature on digital and computational arts and design, particularly as it relates to computer graphics and interactive techniques;
- The paper is methodologically sound and its claims are adequately supported in the field’s literature and previous works.
- Supporting media are of high quality and reinforce the paper’s claims.
- Clear thesis and compelling exposition.
Each paper will be distributed to at least three experts for review. However, if the jury determines that a submission has been previously published or is off topic, incomplete, does not meet or exceed the word count guidelines, or otherwise unsuitable for publication, the submission will be rejected without external review.
Once reviews are complete, the committee will meet to deliberate the final outcome of each paper at the Art Papers Jury meeting. If there is not a clear consensus among the original reviewers, additional reviews will be solicited.
Following the Art Papers Jury meeting at the end of March 2022, authors will receive an email with a decision regarding their paper, and the reviews. At this stage, papers are either rejected or conditionally accepted.
Please note that submissions will be administratively rejected without review if it is found that:
- The submission violates the ACM Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism.
- Word count exceeds the maximum word count.
- The submission is a dual submission. That is, if the submission is simultaneously under review for any other conference or publication. For more details, see the Work Submitted Elsewhere section of the Art Papers Submissions FAQ.
- Electronic files have been submitted that have been designed to have side effects other than presenting the submitted work to reviewers and committee members (for example, a “phone home” script).
- The paper contains material for which the submitters have not secured the necessary copyrights.
- The work has been previously published, as previously published work may not be submitted, nor may the same work be submitted to any other conference or journal during the SIGGRAPH 2022 Art Papers review period.
Upon Conditional Acceptance
A member of the Art Papers Jury is chosen as a ‘shepherd’ for each conditionally accepted paper. Their role is to summarize and convey to each author the issues raised by reviewers, and which would need to be addressed in order for the paper to be fully accepted. A revision period starts during which shepherds are available to address authors’ questions.
After the revision period, authors submit a new version of the paper which undergoes a second review. During this review, shepherds verify that the authors have addressed the issues raised by reviewers, and make a final decision about the paper’s acceptance or rejection. In addition to addressing the issues raised in the review, authors must ensure that their paper and any supporting materials are correctly uploaded by the corresponding due date.
Authors may expect to receive the final decision about their paper by mid-May 2022.
Upon Final Acceptance
Authors of accepted papers must submit a final, de-anonymized version of their paper, and update their contact information on the system, by the corresponding due dates. In addition, they are required to submit a pre-recorded video presentation, and a 30-second Fast-Forward video, of their papers, a representative image and text, and the ACM Rights Management Form. See details below:
Pre-Recorded Video Presentation
Authors must provide a pre-recorded, video presentation. A separate closed captioning VTT or SRT file will be required. These videos will be available online to registered conference attendants, and archived in the ACM Digital Library. Pre-recorded video presentations are limited to 15 minutes for Long Papers, and to 10 minutes for short papers.
Art Papers Fast Forward Video
Fast Forward Videos are 30-second clips summarizing the paper and enticing attendees to attend the Art Papers presentation.
Further guidance regarding the video specs will be provided upon acceptance. For details about the video and paper submission schedule, see the Timeline tab below.
Representative Image and Text
Your representative image and text may be used for promotional purposes. Several SIGGRAPH 2022 programs — Art Gallery, Art Papers, Real-Time Live!, Technical Papers, and all installation programs — will prepare preview videos for pre-conference promotion of accepted content, which may include a portion of the video you submitted for review. You may grant or deny us the ability to use the representative image and submitted video for these purposes.
ACM Rights Management Form
Authors of accepted Art Papers must complete the ACM Rights Management Form. The form will be sent to all submitters whose work is accepted.
ORCID Mandate
ACM now requires that all accepted journal authors register and provide ACM with valid ORCIDs prior to paper publication. Corresponding authors are responsible for collecting these ORCIDs from co-authors and providing them to ACM as part of the ACM eRights selection process.
You and your co-authors can create and register your ORCIDs at ACM only requires you to complete the initial ORCID registration process. However, ACM encourages you to take the additional step to claim ownership of all of your published works via the ORCID site.
At The Conference
In-Person Presentation
Authors of accepted Art Papers will present live at SIGGRAPH 2022 in Vancouver during one of the Art Papers sessions. Each session includes a presentation, a conversation moderated by a panel chair, and a Q&A with the audience. In addition, each session will provide time for closer informal interactions with the audience. Authors should only present accepted, jury-reviewed Art Papers content. Presenting new content is not allowed.
Presenter Recognition
At least one author of each paper must be present at the conference in order for the paper to be part of the Art Papers program. Presenting authors must be registered at the appropriate registration level for Art Papers.
You can find a link to the contributor recognition policy here.
All deadlines are 22:00 UTC/GMT unless otherwise noted.
21 January 2022
Submission deadline for Long Art Papers and Short Art Papers.
(Note: All Art Paper submissions must be anonymized.)
28 March 2022
Authors are notified about Round 1 results by email (conditional acceptance or rejection). Revision period for conditionally accepted papers starts.
Late April 2022
Submission deadline for revised papers. Revision period ends.
Mid-May 2022
Authors are notified about the revision results (acceptance or rejection).
Late May 2022
Final, de-anonymized paper submission deadline.
6 June 2022
Deadline to submit the 30-second Art Papers Fast Forward video.
10 June 2022
On-demand pre-recorded video deadline.
24 July 2022
Official publication date for the PACMCGIT Special issue on SIGGRAPH 2022 Art Papers.
8–11 August 2022